
Johnny’s got a secret weapon for Thanksgiving… just enough to win the turkey!

A few days before Thanksgiving little Johnny’s 7th grade class had a math contest, boys against girls. The prize was a nice big turkey. The boys blew the girls away winning the bird. Being 9 boys and only one turkey they decided the next day at lunch they would meet in the bathroom and compare peckers. Whomever had the largest pecker got the turkey? Johnny knew from a young age the men in his family were very blessed in that area so Johnny ran home to tell the news. “Hey mom were getting a Thanksgiving turkey!!” “How” his mother asked? “Well we had a competition at school and the boys won! Then tomorrow whoever has the biggest penis gets to bring it home!!” Johnny s mother said “you ain’t gonna pull your pecker out in front of all them boys for no turkey.” Johnny said “I ain’t gonna pull it all out mom, just enough to win the turkey!!”

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